In times of rapidly advancing digitization, it has become relentlessly clear that there is an enormous backlog demand in ERP processes among small and medium-sized enterprises. Outdated solutions that cover today’s requirements only partially are now presenting companies with the challenge of finding an ERP solution that fits their specific needs and is flexible, scalable, cost-effective and user-friendly. More than 120 ERP system providers, some with different focuses, make the selection process difficult. The market study, which was prepared in cooperation of the ERP LOGISTICS of the Fraunhofer Institute with the TU Dortmund, has recognized this issue and brings light into this jungle of information. Valuable information on ERP systems, help for a precisely fitted application selection as well as short presentations of the system providers were presented in a systematic and structured way.
PROMATIS has joined Oracle NetSuite as a professional solution for medium-sized businesses and scores in all relevant areas.
Here you can find the study (in German)