30 godina PROMATIS-ove stručnosti u poslovnim procesima


PROMATIS je sinonim za inteligentno digitalizirane poslovne procese, Oracle aplikacije i tehnologije iz jednog izvora. Kao Oracle stručnjaci za digitalizaciju, pratimo tvrtke različitih industrija i veličina u njihovoj digitalnoj evoluciji. Osim savjetodavnih usluga tijekom cijelog životnog ciklusa proizvoda i sveobuhvatnih projekata implementacije, također nudimo robusna proširenja za Oracle aplikacije. Jedna od prednosti za naše klijente je što imaju pristup do provjerenih modela poslovnih procesa, moćnih softverskih alata i sofisticiranih rješenja najbolje prakse. Ovako stvaramo poslovnu izvrsnost procesa prilagođenih promjenama u budućnosti.

S podružnicama u Njemačkoj, Austriji, Švicarskoj, SAD-u, Hrvatskoj i svjetskom partnerskom mrežom, pozicioniramo se kao globalni pružatelj rješenja.








PROMATIS događaji

November 18/19, 2024 | European NetSuite User Days

November 18/19, 2024 | European NetSuite User Days

The European NetSuite User Days will take place on November 18 and 19, 2024 at the Nuremberg Convention Center (NCC) and present two days of concentrated practical knowledge and networking with top-class NetSuite experts.

April 24-25, 2024 | Business Matchmaker

April 24-25, 2024 | Business Matchmaker

…and we are there! You are looking for the right company to start your career? If you are studying computer science, business informatics, economics, industrial engineering, computer engineering or mathematics, then take the opportunity and talk to...

November 18/19, 2024 | European NetSuite User Days

November 18/19, 2024 | European NetSuite User Days

The European NetSuite User Days will take place on November 18 and 19, 2024 at the Nuremberg Convention Center (NCC) and present two days of concentrated practical knowledge and networking with top-class NetSuite experts.

April 24-25, 2024 | Business Matchmaker

April 24-25, 2024 | Business Matchmaker

…and we are there! You are looking for the right company to start your career? If you are studying computer science, business informatics, economics, industrial engineering, computer engineering or mathematics, then take the opportunity and talk to...

Inteligentni poslovni procesi i tehnološka kompetencija iz jednog izvora.

PROMATIS preporučuje

Oracle Protects Healthcare Customers Against Cyberattacks

Oracle has launched the Autonomous Shield initiative to help customers migrate to a comprehensive EHR and Cloud Infrastructure solution to reduce risk and increase system performance. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure's advanced automation and security is already...

Oracle Announces Fiscal 2024 Third Quarter Financial Results

A few days ago, Oracle Corporation announced its results for the third quarter of the 2024 financial year. Oracle Corporation (NYSE: ORCL) today announced fiscal 2024 Q3 results. Total quarterly revenues were up 7% year-over-year in both USD and constant currency to...

Što je novo u PROMATIS-u?

PROMATIS receives Innovation & Excellence Award 2024

The Corporate LiveWire Innovation & Excellence Awards recognize the successes and achievements of leading companies that have demonstrated a focus on results and service and, above all, an innovative approach to achieving exceptional business results.

PROMATIS among Germany's best SMEs

The F.A.Z. study "Germany's Best SMEs with Innovation Competence 2024" analyzes social listening data from around 3,100 companies from various industries.

We are particularly pleased to receive three awards in the "IT consultants" category.

Award as Leading Employer 2024

We have the honor - for the third time in a row - of receiving the LEADING EMPLOYER 2024 award. This puts PROMATIS among the top 1% of employers in Germany.

PROMATIS continues on its expansion course

PROMATIS announces that it has joined the International Technology Group B.V. (ITG), a partnership-based association of Oracle service providers whose complementary portfolios allow them to optimally interact and thus combine forces to realize growth strategies.

Leading Employer 2024

PROMATIS je ponovno u top 1% poslodavaca u Njemačkoj!