Stay strong, live fit – Health at PROMATIS

June 29, 2023

Your health is one of your most important assets. However, a healthy lifestyle not only guarantees joy of life and satisfaction, but is also the basis for coping with the diverse demands of work and private life. Because only healthy people can be motivated, productive and effective, and feel good at the same time. But how does PROMATIS support its employees in staying healthy and fit in their daily work?

PROMATIS sponsors the participation in various sports events, such as CyberCup, a soccer event of TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe, running events like Badische Meile or Baden-Marathon and organizes training sessions in advance. These sometimes weekly meetings not only ensure physical fitness, but also promote team spirit and cohesion within the PROMATIS team. But above all, the social contacts that are cultivated, the fun we have together and the collective laughter have a positive effect on the immune system. Monthly after-work events, where bouldering, ice skating or even just going out for a delicious meal is the order of the day, strengthen a feeling of unity and promote a positive working environment.

It is important to create awareness for the topic of health. Thus, PROMATIS works closely with Techniker Krankenkasse and organizes several health days each year focusing on different topics.
During these health days, various trends are addressed in specialist lectures and subsequently expanded upon in workshops – or courses offered over longer periods of time.

One of these topics is nutrition, i.e. how we eat properly and what role the latest nutritional developments play in this regard. In the course of this, the importance of sufficient fluid intake is also made clear. To support our employees in this, we provide sufficient water and coffee, as well as fresh fruit. Our well-equipped kitchens provide the opportunity to prepare fresh lunches.

Another topic is back health. Working in front of a PC throughout the day puts a strain on the back muscles and leads to massive complaints of the entire musculoskeletal system. The lecture, which deals specifically with this PC-intensive work, provides information about the effects of a cramped posture and shows tips that can be carried out with little effort and integrated into everyday work, how back complaints are minimized or even eliminated.
Following this health day, we also offer back fit courses in which the muscles are trained under guidance.

Offers for an "active" lunch break are now also firmly established at PROMATIS. The daily lunch break run through the nearby forest or business yoga, which is performed online directly at the workplace, promote well-being.

Another aspect covered by the health days is recreation. After all, not only sufficient exercise and a proper diet contribute to a healthy everyday life. It is of course important to wind down after work and find the necessary relaxation, but also to minimize everyday stress as much as possible, as this has a negative impact on the body and psyche. We therefore provide our employees with important and helpful tips on how to reduce and avoid stress and offer, for example, stress tests. In this way, work can be optimally integrated into private life with a view to achieving a good work-life balance, which we actively support by implementing flexible working hours.

Through these programs, we enable our employees to analyze and rethink their previous behaviors. Because even small things can make a big difference when it comes to a healthy body and mind.

Author: Selina Finter
Image: © Gabin Vallet /