Research & Partners
We at PROMATIS are constantly refining our business excellence. Because we also want to adequately acknowledge the digital evolution with its need for increasingly higher innovation speeds, and meet new future volatilities in a well-equipped manner.
Heading for the future
Accordingly, we work with leading manufacturers of suitable technologies and renowned research institutes to create beneficial innovations and keep our expertise up-to-date at all times. In doing so, we always keep our customers in focus so that we can present them with exactly the solution portfolio they need at any given time with the help of trend-setting methods and tools.
BSFZ seal
The basis for sustainability, technological progress, innovation and economic growth is regular and ongoing investment in research and development (R&D), which is precisely why R&D activities are so important in Germany. In the course of this, the Certification Body for Research Grants (German: 'Bescheinigungsstelle Forschungszulage’, or ‘BSFZ’ for short) awards its seal exclusively to companies that are eligible to claim funding through the research grant.
PROMATIS received the seal for the following projects:
- Development of a method and an associated software system for building and using a digital real-time image of the entire company organization, including business processes and strategies (2022)
- Development of a cloud service for the consolidation of distributed ERP systems based on a generically structured data lakehouse (2022)
- Development of a method and the associated software components for the application of Enterprise Governance Management (2024)

Oracle is the world's largest provider of business software with the most complete product range on the market and the highest innovative power. For more than two decades, PROMATIS has been closely associated with the national and international organization Oracle.
Our partners
Hardware, Software, Cloud Services
Project and service partners
Foundations & Associations
- Association of Karlsruhe Software Engineers
- Association of Applied Computer Science Karlsruhe
- BITKOM – German Association for Information Technology and New Media
- CyberForum
- FZI Karlsruhe
- Integrata Foundation for Humane Use of Information Technology
- KTV Straubenhardt
- SGIT Steinbeis Tuebingen
- Society for Informatics
- Society for Organization
Sustainable success cooperations
Research focus on business processes
State-of-the-art digitization technologies, AI, Big Data and sophisticated analysis and monitoring technologies form the basis for creative and future-oriented developments around the topic of business processes.
Part of the cooperation is Horus Endeavor, an innovation partnership of the Institute AIFB of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the Institute for Business Informatics of the Wilhelms University Muenster, the FZI Karlsruhe and the Konstanz Institute for Process Control (KIPS) of the University of Applied Sciences Konstanz (HTWG) with the software companies PROMATIS and Horus.