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PROMATIS member of the company network "Success Factor Family"

10. June 2022

With the “Compatibility Progress Index”, family friendliness becomes a trademark!

The “Compatibility Progress Index” (Fortschrittsindex Vereinbarkeit) is part of the “Success Factor Family” (Erfolgsfaktor Familie) corporate program, by which the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, in cooperation with business associations and trade unions, promotes a family-friendly working environment. The aim is to establish family friendliness as a trademark of the German economy. The index was developed in cooperation with the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag, DIHK) and the Federal Association of Human Resources Managers (Bundesverband der Personalmanager, BPM) for use in business practice. PROMATIS – specialist for intelligent business processes and Oracle digitization solutions – participates in the ongoing measurement of family-friendly corporate culture and decisively supports the compatibility of work and family.

Digitization, securing skilled workers, dynamic markets – only future-oriented companies can successfully meet these challenges on a daily basis. What is needed is a corporate culture that supports flexibility and personal responsibility, and in which all employees can unfold their motivation to perform. An important element of this type of corporate culture lies in the compatibility of professional and family responsibilities. This is particularly true in current times, as the reconciliation of work and family has taken on a whole new dimension, especially in the wake of the Corona crisis. Dividing lines between work and family are not just dissolving in the organization of childcare and professional tasks. New impressions are also developing in the individual perception of working time and free time, of exertion and relaxation. Likewise, the question of whether and how working parents and their children relax and recharge their batteries is a task of reconciliation.

The “Compatibility Progress Index” supports employers in measuring, developing and exposing their family-friendly measures. The index consists of two parts: With guidelines, the company commits to an innovative and family-oriented corporate culture. In the second step, companies can measure their culture on the basis of twelve key indicators and compare themselves with the competition.

Here, PROMATIS achieved very good results and met all requirements with flying colors. The globally active software and consulting company with headquarters in Ettlingen – in the heart of TechnologyRegion Karlsruhe – offers its employees not only trust-based working hours, attractive part-time models and home office workplaces, but also a modern working environment that meets both current and future employee needs. Because only a family-friendly corporate culture that is constantly optimized and anchored in a sustainable and binding manner stands for a real success factor.

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