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How to steer companies through the DVUCAD world

December 17, 2021

BVL Podcast with PROMATIS

The new episode of the BVL.digital-Podcast reveals how companies can be steered through volatile, unpredictable times and what modern tools and technologies are available that need to be used today and in the future. Guests are Birgit Breitschuh, partner at Oliver Wight und Jochen Rahm, CTO at PROMATIS.

The topics are as follows:

  • Welcome to the DVUCAD World: Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity and Diversity
  • What vulnerabilities exist in the way organizations plan today
  • How these vulnerabilities have manifested especially over the last 18 months
  • At what maturity stage of corporate planning are German companies?
  • What are the industry differences between SMEs and large enterprises?
  • From Sales and Operations Planning (S&O) to Integrated Business Planning (IBP): Development, Differences
  • The advantages and added value of integrated corporate planning
  • Challenges during both the introduction and the implementation phase.
  • What are the success factors?
  • What role does technology play in this, and how do you choose the right provider?
  • What, for example, can Oracle’s solution do? How is it different from other solutions?
  • A glimpse into the future of corporate planning

Click here to listen to the podcast (in German)