Homepage 5 What’s new at PROMATIS 5 Germany’s Digital Pioneers 2022

Germany’s Digital Pioneers 2022

June 7, 2022

PROMATIS ranks first among IT service providers

To be considered a Digital Pioneer, the mere existence of digital infrastructures is not enough. A Digital Pioneer must be recognized in terms of its reputation as innovative, digital, economically profitable, and also as a good employer. Because digitization requires competent employees. And these employees prefer good employers. Against this backdrop, the study by the F.A.Z. Institute (by Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, “Frankfurt General Newspaper“) – accompanied by the IMWF Institute for Management and Economic Research – examines more than 5,000 companies in digital industries using a combination of social listening and online employer ratings, and thus identifies Germany’s Digital Pioneers 2022.

The study is based on the following four criteria:

  1. Digital action
  2. Innovative capability
  3. Profitability/economic efficiency
  4. Attractiveness as an employer

The respective industry winner receives 100 points and thus sets the benchmark for all other examined companies within the industry. We are very pleased that PROMATIS takes first place in the category IT SERVICE PROVIDER with 100 points!

Click here for more information on motivation and methodology (page in German).