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Deal or no Deal? The course is set for green!

August 3, 2021

Green Economy, Green Growth, Green Sustainability, Green Deal – everything revolves around the conscious and sustainable use of resources. But what is it all about, and how do these demands play out in companies? Because one thing is clear, a simple coat of paint is not enough, the foundation has to match.

Climate protection, sustainability, careful use of resources, these are no longer buzzwords of activists, but burning issues of a social debate, having been taken up by both politics and business with high sensitivity. The EU has been tackling this issue since 2019 and is planning major changes, a generational task and a growth strategy that will sustainably shape the future. The talk is of Green Deal, an EU concept with the major goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050. The path to this goal will not be easy, because far-reaching social and economic changes are unavoidable but worthwhile for its implementation. After all, Green Deal is a growth strategy that leads to a climate-neutral, fair and prosperous society with a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy.

Business has long since embraced this sensitive topic. Companies have internalized that the conscious use of energy and resources not only improves climate and environmental protection, but also helps internally to optimize costs …

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