Digitally replicate your company based on processes!
According to a study conducted by the msg Group in 2020, almost nine out of ten companies have already developed concepts for using a digital twin. However, only one-third are planning to change an existing business model using this innovative approach. This is precisely where great potential hides that is often unexploited in practice. In 2017, this was identified by leading market research institute Gartner, which listed the digital twin as one of the ten major strategic technology trends. But what exactly is a digital twin?
Digital twins represent tangible and intangible objects or processes in digital form. This creates a digital image of a previously analog company. With this in mind, it makes sense to look not only at the purely organizational process organization including assigned roles in the form of business processes, but also to consider other aspects. These include, for example, business objects, system components as well as strategies and key figures. The digital twin forms a coherent information network …
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