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Process Knowledge

The digital economy strives for newer and greater experiences for customers, business partners and employees. As a result, companies are turning to innovative digital technologies for all areas of their business and are developing the corresponding expertise for the solutions they use. However, their use also results in an unprecedented quantity, variety and variability of business processes with shortened half-lives and changed demands for up-to-dateness.

Process Knowledge

Knowledge of business processes paves the way to Business Process Excellence

The Horus Knowledge Bases contain the experience from hundreds of customer projects in the form of predefined and quality-assured models that describe a multitude of business processes and in doing so enable demand-oriented business process management with a high level of practical orientation. In addition, personalized adaptations can be developed to customers’ individual process requirements: in this way, customers can map the optimal processes for their company within a very short time.


Horus Knowledge Bases are the optimal basis for determining the degree of coverage for the business requirements already at product selection stage.

During implementation, the predefined knowledge ensures transparency and an enormous acceleration of the overall effort.

In operation, the bases can be used to establish sustainable knowledge management in the company. As such, they also act as a central building block for further rollouts.

Currently, the following Knowledge Bases are available

  • Finance & Controlling
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Manufacturing & Maintenance
  • Customer Service
  • Logistics
  • Marketing & Sales
  • Project Management
  • Human Capital Management
  • Product Lifecycle Management

Digital process knowledge management

We rely on collaborative learning and exchange of experience for sustainable project success. With the Horus Process Knowledge Management Suite, companies benefit from the knowledge of the entire business community! The Suite connects the Horus Business Process Tools with the Oracle Content Management Services. Within the model-based Horus Process Knowledge Management the entire world of integrated content and experience management opens up to the user. In addition, Best Practice templates are an integral part.