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Leading Employer 2022: PROMATIS awarded

June 16, 2022

Ettlingen, December 9, 2021 – Good ratings in online portals, positive media coverage, and employee recommendations can indicate an excellent employer. However, for an objective and holistic picture, other aspects are useful, including assessments by people in auditing and statistics as well as in expert panels. Accordingly, the “Leading Employers” meta-study is considered a comprehensive study in the field of international employer assessment. After all, it not only examines working conditions, image, employee satisfaction and understanding of values, but also key aspects such as responsibility and sustainability in relation to people, the company and the environment. Consequently, the top 1 percent of employers in Germany are awarded the title of “Leading Employer“, among which PROMATIS – specialist for intelligent business processes and Oracle digitalization solutions – may now count itself.

The employee satisfaction indicator is probably the most target-oriented of the social dimension and offers considerable potential for economic sustainability in the wake of demographic change and the war for talent. However, the expectations of employees regarding their employers have changed. Whereas job security and fair pay used to be decisive criteria when choosing a job, particularly today’s younger professionals are increasingly looking for meaningful work that promotes their personal development and combines private and professional goals. For many people, participating in the shaping of their own professional environment has also become essential. In the course of this, sustainable action is inevitably part of the future of modern companies, because employee satisfaction in particular serves as a core indicator of social sustainability.

As a meta-analysis, “Leading Employers” examines a wide range of sources, feedbacks and topics, the combination of which allows for a substantially higher significance compared to a single study. As a result, this unique methodology uses a holistic approach. After taking inventory of the sources, the quality, depth and the associated informative value of each source are evaluated based on a defined set of criteria.

PROMATIS, the globally active software and consulting company based in Ettlingen – the heart of TechnologyRegion Karlsruhe – has achieved outstanding results in all test areas and has demonstrated a holistic, fair and appreciative code of values. As a result, digitization and IT professionals at PROMATIS can expect an attractive work environment and a management team that views economic success and social responsibility not as opposites, but as cornerstones to accomplish the company mission. Not only do the business process and digitalization solutions ensure a sustainable improvement in the quality of life, but above all stands the most important goal: to shape the trusting and sustainable success story of PROMATIS together with its employees.

Current job vacancies at PROMATIS for our offices in Ettlingen, Hamburg, Muenster, Vienna, Zuerich and Denver (CO).