Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most discussed technologies across all industries. Life science professionals working in the pharmaceutical industry strive to improve people’s lives tackling incredibly complex diseases. Drug development is often perceived as slow. As the pharma industry looks to improve the drug development process AI promises nothing less than a revolution. Can AI help speed up the drug development process? Identify new drug molecules that have so far eluded scientists? Will AI–designed medicines be safe for people? Have the desired effect on the disease? Meet the rigorous regulatory standards to actually be approved for human use? In this episode, Andreas Busch, Ph.D., Chief Innovation Officer at Absci will answer these questions and shares the value generative-AI is providing drug development today.
Creating drugs at the speed of AI
Oracle talks with Andreas Busch, PhD, chief innovation officer at Absci about how AI can assist in the manufacturing of drugs in a recent The Latest Dose podcast episode.