The application process at PROMATIS - a win-win for both sides

The application process at PROMATIS - a win-win for both sides

We have already successfully implemented our talent management. What this involves, we described in the previous blog post "Talent Management at PROMATIS - The Focus on People". We strongly value one component of talent management: the identification and recruitment of talent for our company. Speed and different conversation partners play a central role in that.

It has long been known in recruiting that the early bird catches the worm. For this reason, it goes without saying that we invite you to get to know us in a phone call immediately after we have received your application – within just a few days. In this phone call, our Human Capital Management (HCM) team introduces the company and the benefits offered by PROMATIS, and provides information on what the applicant can expect in the days and weeks to come. It is important to us that promises to provide the candidate with further feedback are consistently kept. This creates respectful trust between PROMATIS and the applicant at the outset and maintains the potential employee's interest.

In the first interview, we find out to what extent the applicant has experience with the visualization or optimization of business processes and business applications and where the applicant's business focus and technical know-how lie. The answers to the questions "What is particularly important to you about your new employer or your new job?" and "Why did you apply for a job at PROMATIS?" show us whether their values, expectations and ideas match our corporate culture. Finally, we clarify organizational details such as location, start date, salary expectations and any questions the applicant may have.

If the content goes hand in hand with personal liking, we arrange a second interview by video call via a video platform. The interviews with the specialist department in particular go into greater depth and focus even more on the applicant's skills. This is where the managers of the respective department check how problems are approached and how the applicant has mastered tasks and challenges in the past – an indication of independence and solution-oriented work.

If the professional requirements are also convincing and we see the applicant as an ideal addition to the existing team, the final interview takes place with the CEO of the PROMATIS Group, Dr. Frank Schoenthaler – usually in person at our headquarters in Ettlingen. He plays a decisive and strategic role in the selection of talents and is thus happy to take the time to talk to each individual applicant. The quality of the people at PROMATIS has the highest priority and is the key to success. In addition, Dr. Frank Schoenthaler has an all-round view of the large number of projects and provides support in assessing which team the applicant complements best, but also where the need is greatest.

This means that a wide variety of areas are involved in our application process, from the three interview partners in HCM to the specialist department and the CEO. This makes it possible to assess from different perspectives whether and how a candidate fits into the PROMATIS universe in the long term. It also gives the applicant the opportunity to ask a variety of questions and check for themselves whether the chemistry is right and whether they can imagine working with the potential line manager in the future. A win-win situation for everyone involved!

This approach enables us to make a well-considered personnel decision – a selection that suits us best. This three-stage interview process is characterized by a positive candidate journey and has proven its worth at PROMATIS. Receiving once again the Leading Employers 2024 award for the third time in a row confirms our applicant satisfaction. But other awards such as "Modern Employer 2024" and "Highest Fairness in the Job" also show that our approach is leading the way in modern and innovative HR design.

Author: Veronika Nette
Image: © nathaphat /

Germany‘s Digital Pioneers 2022 – Industry Winner IT Services

Germany‘s Digital Pioneers 2022 – Industry Winner IT Services

Germany's Digital Pioneer 2022

Interview with Dr. Frank Schönthaler, CEO

Dear Frank, congratulations on the special award from the F.A.Z. Institute! PROMATIS took first place in the IT service provider category as part of the study “Germany’s Digital Pioneers 2022”. The respective industry winner receives 100 points and thus sets the benchmark for all other examined companies within the industry. In the course of this top ranking, we have prepared a few questions for you:

What are the challenges German companies are facing with regard to digitalization?

What the appeals of politicians and business leaders have failed to do over many years, the mutually reinforcing crises of our time have easily managed to do: a megatrend has grown out of the will to digitalize, giving digital technologies access to every conceivable area of society and the economy. This applies not only to Germany, but also to Europe and the entire world. The prerequisites for this, however, have to be met: The existence of a comprehensive, reliable, secure and high-performance digital infrastructure. Digitalization as a core competence in school, academic and company training is particularly important. But the availability of skilled workers for the design, development and operation of digital business solutions is also a fundamental building block. In this context, quality is at the forefront, and with regard to the interdisciplinary workforce, it has long been a question not only of technology, IT and business administration specialists, but also of social science and humanistic disciplines. In the course of globalization, a multilingual and multicultural workforce is also required. And last but not least, agility in the form of the ability to change, speed in strategic, tactical and operational terms is an essential factor for companies.

Which areas of the company do you think are the frontrunners, and which areas still need to catch up in terms of digitalization?

A look at our customer base shows that a lot is currently being invested particularly in the customer journey. Whereas in the past this meant only support processes, especially the customer experience (marketing, sales, and service) is now becoming more important. In addition, we are currently fine-tuning the employee journeys in our markets. Especially companies with core business processes that are based on recruiting and talent management rely on large-scale human capital management solutions. Another exciting area that has already seen a lot of digitalization is enterprise performance management (planning, forecasting, monitoring, analysis). However, I see the digitalization of the supply chain as THE top issue par excellence. After all, supply bottlenecks and trade barriers (sanctions) have shown us (in terms of maximally volatile supply chains) how vital it is to have predictable processes that serve to safeguard the existence of companies. Those who cannot react quickly in these times and plan various scenarios – also with regard to compliance guidelines – will find it difficult to survive in the market.

What does digitalization mean from an ethical point of view?

Nowadays, ethical aspects always come up in the context of digitalization. Due to my volunteer work as president of the board of trustees at the Integrata Foundation for the Humane Use of Information Technology, this topic is an important aspect for PROMATIS; not as an end in itself, but with the claim to provide our customers with future-proof solutions at all times. Consequently, innovation or digital innovation (artificial intelligence, dealing with blockchain and IoT) is one of our key priorities in this context. In addition, “more quality of life through IT” is also important to us, especially with regard to developments in artificial intelligence. This automatically puts the topic of “ethics and AI” on our agenda. An additional motive is that we want to provide the PROMATIS workforce and our digitalization experts with interesting, future-proof jobs at the forefront of innovation.

The study showed that a medium-sized company like PROMATIS is also ahead of the other major IT service providers. What does that imply?

I would like to invoke the term “hidden champion”. As a medium-sized company, it is certainly easier to lace together the strategy mix that is digitalization-innovation-employer attractiveness-profitability, and implement it quickly and sustainably. Particularly when it comes to innovation, but also when it comes to presenting our attractiveness as an employer, we benefit from a close cooperation with the universities near our sites, with KIT and the University of Muenster at the forefront – for example through joint research projects, practical training activities for students, talent recruiting, and working student programs.

Sometimes, however, what it takes is size. That’s why we successfully and happily work together with large partners such as Oracle, Deloitte, Accenture, EY or KPMG – on a national and international level. This gives us the flexibility to combine forces quickly and in a targeted manner, as well as agile performance processes that allow us to build cross-company value chains.