We are happy about our new partnership with SE4GD – Software Engineers for Green Deal!

We are happy about our new partnership with SE4GD – Software Engineers for Green Deal!

SE4GreenDeal program aims to educate a new generation of software engineers that will emphasize the the sustainability of the software as well as the sustainability effects of software on society.​

Our common focus is the research in the area of Green Process Mining with Oracle products as data sources. And at the same time, our partner Horus – with the Horus Business Modeler – holds trainings as part of the master program.

Learn more about SE4GD.

The digital twin of an organization

Digitally replicate your company based on processes!

According to a study conducted by the msg Group in 2020, almost nine out of ten companies have already developed concepts for using a digital twin. However, only one-third are planning to change an existing business model using this innovative approach. This is precisely where great potential hides that is often unexploited in practice. In 2017, this was identified by leading market research institute Gartner, which listed the digital twin as one of the ten major strategic technology trends. But what exactly is a digital twin?

Digital twins represent tangible and intangible objects or processes in digital form. This creates a digital image of a previously analog company. With this in mind, it makes sense to look not only at the purely organizational process organization including assigned roles in the form of business processes, but also to consider other aspects. These include, for example, business objects, system components as well as strategies and key figures. The digital twin forms a coherent information network …

Click here to read the full blog post from our partner Horus.

Deal or no Deal? The course is set for green!

Green Economy, Green Growth, Green Sustainability, Green Deal – everything revolves around the conscious and sustainable use of resources. But what is it all about, and how do these demands play out in companies? Because one thing is clear, a simple coat of paint is not enough, the foundation has to match.

Climate protection, sustainability, careful use of resources, these are no longer buzzwords of activists, but burning issues of a social debate, having been taken up by both politics and business with high sensitivity. The EU has been tackling this issue since 2019 and is planning major changes, a generational task and a growth strategy that will sustainably shape the future. The talk is of Green Deal, an EU concept with the major goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050. The path to this goal will not be easy, because far-reaching social and economic changes are unavoidable but worthwhile for its implementation. After all, Green Deal is a growth strategy that leads to a climate-neutral, fair and prosperous society with a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy.

Business has long since embraced this sensitive topic. Companies have internalized that the conscious use of energy and resources not only improves climate and environmental protection, but also helps internally to optimize costs …

Click here to read the full blog post from our partner Horus.

Customer satisfaction par excellence

BPM under the banner of a sophisticated customer experience

More and more companies are recognizing how elementary a mature customer experience (CX) strategy is for competitiveness, and with it the importance of digitizing the entire customer journey. One thing is certain: enthusiastic customers remain loyal longer, buy more frequently, and even are more willing to pay a higher price. But the recommendation of product, brand and company should not be ignored either, because these components in particular are decisive multipliers in the acquisition of new customers.

But how can this desire be fulfilled, and thus a customer enthusiasm along the entire customer journey be ignited again and again at every touchpoint? The basis for this is created by efficient CX management that intensifies and improves individual relationships with the customer.

To do so, it is first and foremost important to know …

Click here to read the full blog post from our partner Horus.

No fear of digitization

Modern modeling tools with established and practical best practice solutions transform the challenge of digitization into an opportunity with unimagined potential for efficient process design.

In recent months, the digitization of processes has been discussed and reported on like no other topic. Crises, new legal requirements, ever-increasing demands and shortening time intervals are pushing companies to their limits in terms of optimally designing their processes to keep operations running. And ONLY keep them running, because expansions and optimization potentials continue to stand unnoticed on the sidelines, as resources are lacking in order to proceed in a planned, structured and efficient manner.

“Never change a running system” – this credo may have been acceptable yesterday, but in a modern, dynamic corporate world focused on efficiency, a change in thinking is required to operate competitively in a global market. Reacting quickly to changes, taking an analytical look at the resulting effects, and developing targeted measures – these are the demands that companies place on an IT-based process landscape. The pressure on companies is intensified when legal guidelines have to be met. It can be helpful …

Click here to read the full blog post from our partner Horus.