Corporate E-Learning – A glance into the future
Rarely ever has the level of targeted employee training been as high as it is today. It is precisely the pandemic that took on the role of a digitization booster, demonstrating to us that everything is subject to change – including corporate e-learning. Digital learning is basically becoming the standard. There are numerous possible applications for HR developers, and the range is diverse: Evident areas include product development, or sales and product training – likewise, successful concepts have emerged for recruiting purposes and soft-skill training.
Excellent Learning Management
However, establishing a successful learning culture in your company is a process that not only needs to be taking place on the part of technology, but also in the minds of employees. Keeping this in mind creates additional major challenges for companies.
In his new video, our expert Andreas Puchinger discusses among other things how AI functions, chatbots or 3D content will shape future e-learning, and how the requirements for mobile learning, social learning and knowledge sharing can be met with a suitable learning management system.
Register here and access our on-demand video (in German) for free. Find out how a glimpse into the future can become reality for you today.
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