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Update on July 2023 EBS Issues with OCI Load Balancer

28. Juli 2023

Johannes Michler PROMATIS Horus Oracle

Executive Vice President – Head of Platforms & Development

Maybe you've read my recent blog post on issues with using OCI Load Balancers in combination with E-Business Suite July 2023 security patches:

Together with Oracle we found a better workaround than the one mentioned in my previous post. It is as simple as:

cd $FND_TOP/admin/template
mkdir custom
cp security2_conf_FMW.tmp custom/
cd custom
vi security2_conf_FMW.tmp

Then in that template add the following line under the "#Host header validation" line:

 SecRule REQUEST_URI ^/robots.txt$ phase:1,id:100018,nolog,pass,skip:3

This will allow to access the/robots.txt without the Host-Header validation and allows to use that file for a health check. The approach is an autoconfig-customization; the procedure itself is documented here:

Then with that you can change the health check back to:

I assume Oracle will soon deliver an official patch doing a similar thing.